Why this trip? 2.0 – Re-entry and real honesty

I owe the world an apology. OK, maybe an apology is the wrong thing. I owe it to the world, and to you, to be real. Though I wrote a blog for part of my trip, I must admit I was really hesitant to do it. Yes, I wanted my friends and family to not … Continue reading Why this trip? 2.0 – Re-entry and real honesty

Time to start writing

So, the big trip is over.  Now I get to go through that weird re-entry phase.  Want to watch me freak out? Put me in a huge suburban Safeway with 10 billion options and I freeze like a squirrel caught in the headlights. You know the scene. A squirrel freaking out, trying to decide what to do, … Continue reading Time to start writing

New Plans

For those of you on Facebook, you might be aware of the difficulties of my last few days. For those of you who have avoided CrackBook, first off, congratulations and, second, here is the quick summary.( don't have my keyboard so will make it brief) I left Chalten a few days ago planning to head … Continue reading New Plans